• Wed, 15. May 2024
  • 18:30
  • in the Claudiana

Panel discussion on the status quo of community interpreting

It has been known for many years that qualified interpreters enable accessibility and participation across language barriers. Nevertheless, it is often not ensured that people without sufficient knowledge of German have unrestricted access to all services in the health, social, education and legal systems - despite the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of language (Art. 21 (1) of the Charter of Fundamentaldrerights of the European Union). There is often still no recourse to qualified interpreters and language barriers remain. Instead of successful communication, this leads to misunderstandings, a lack of information, additional costs and sometimes serious consequences for those affected.
We want to talk about how awareness of the relevance and funding of qualified language mediation can be raised among the public and those responsible.
In discussion:
Selvihan Akkaya (psychiatrist, expert)
Arezou Honarmand (Farsi/Dari interpreter)
Katharina Redl (lecturer on the university course Community Interpreting)
Verena Schlichtmeier (psychotherapist, founder of Ankyra)
Florian Stolz (Tiroler Soziale Dienste GmbH)
Laura Zudrell (Association DOWAS Tirol)
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