• Sat, 9. August 2025
  • 11:00
  • Innsbruck, Tiroler Landestheater, Rehearsal Stage 2

Workshop concert, Innsbruck Festival of Early Music

"The Werkstattkonzert offers a unique opportunity to deeply immerse oneself in the world of Early Music and gain exciting new perspectives.
Ottavio Dantone not only brings wonderful music to the stage but also explains the musical process behind the interpretation of the written notes and their stage implementation. The central role of the conductor as an intermediary between the scores and the musicians receives special attention. How do conductors manage to unite the various instrumentalists of the orchestra into a harmonious whole, without neglecting the individual contributions of the musicians in shaping soundscapes?

As a hybrid format that combines elements of a concert and a rehearsal, the Werkstattkonzert allows for a close-up, live experience of the captivating sound development of an ensemble and the creation of a concert program, starting from the first shared glance at the score.

This not only provides a behind-the-scenes look at the Festwochen but also creates a special connection between the listeners and the performers on stage. Music is more than what is written in the notes: It is a living and creative art form brought to life through passion and emotion, the connection between artists and the audience, and the skill of the musicians and conductors."

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