• Sat, 27. April 2024
  • 11:00
  • Innsbruck, SOWI (main entrance)

Urban spaces in the present and history

To mark 30 years of aut, two guided tours of Innsbruck will be organised and accompanied by former aut chairpersons. During this city walk, Kathrin Aste (chairwoman 2013 - 19) and Martin Scharfetter (chairman 2019 - 23) will guide you through Innsbruck's city centre to places, squares and buildings that have both a historical-political and a cultural-representative significance, but above all create a diverse public by offering (urban) spaces outside of commercial interests.

Meeting point: SoWi (at the main entrance), 6020 Innsbruck
Free admission, no registration required

An event organised by aut. architektur und tirol https://aut.cc/veranstaltungen/spaziergang-stadtraeume

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