• Thu, 24. October 2024
  • 19:00
  • Innsbruck, Metropol Cinema

Plastic Fantastic - Film series Südlich(t)er

In haunting images, Isa Willinger's documentary "Plastic Fantastic" takes a look at the devastating effects of plastic on the environment and human health. More plastic has been produced in the last 15 years than in the 40 years before, and this is polluting the oceans, threatening wildlife and can be detected as nanoparticles in groundwater - with as yet unforeseeable long-term consequences. From the beaches of Hawaii to the factories in St. Louis, the film illustrates how the plastic problem is endangering entire communities and damaging the environment. Without off-screen commentary, the film follows environmental activists, scientists and lobbyists from the plastics industry to give viewers room for reflection. "Plastic Fantastic" calls for a global approach to the problem of plastic and the development of sustainable circular economy models. The film emphasises the urgent need for responsible use and calls for action. Despite these challenges, it also offers hope by highlighting possible solutions and emphasising that each individual can make a contribution to overcoming the plastic crisis through conscious action.
Followed by a film talk with director Isa Willinger
Documentary / 2023 / FSK 0 / German, English, Kiswahili with German subtitles / Length 01:42 / Director: Isa Willinger
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