• Sat, 16. August 2025
  • 20:00
  • Innsbruck, Hofburg Innsbruck, Riesensaal

In the Enchanted Forest, Innsbruck Festival of Early Music

Following their acclaimed debut at the 2023 Festwochen, Julien Chauvin and his Le Concert de la Loge invite you on a very special venture: an excursion into the vast forests of Arcadia, characterized by impenetrable, magical greenery, in the shade of great oaks, firs and pines, right into the heart of 18th century opera. Turtle dove and zephyr are faithful confidants, the banks of a stream are perfect for daydreaming or living out love. Many a heroine, battered by fate, also finds refuge in these woods from the dangers that constantly threaten. The voices of Ana Vieira Leite and Eva Zaïcik sound as soft and sweet as the nightingale's song and unite with the orchestra in poetic, bucolic melodies.

This “enchanted forest” offers the ensemble the opportunity to transport its audience to some of the most beautiful opera scores by Handel, Vivaldi and Porpora inspired by nature. It takes its title from a unique piece of music of the day, an orchestral concerto in two parts based on the subject of the enchanted forest from Torquato Tasso's “La Gerusalemme liberata”, composed by Francesco Geminiani, one of the greatest violin virtuosos of the 18th century.

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