• Fri, 15. November 2024
  • 20:00
  • Innsbruck, Canisianum

Harp portraits

Harfenportraits - (Vokal)Phantasien auf 270 Saiten
Works by Michi, Frescobaldi, Anonymi, Savioni, Rossi & Marazzoli
Riccardo Pisani - tenor
Chiara Granata - double harp
Marta Graziolino - double harp
Elena Spotti - double harp
In the early 17th century, the Eternal City of Rome was a seething laboratory for musical innovation and experimentation. Popes, cardinals and noble families promoted the arts and engaged the most important virtuosos of their time. One instrument in particular flourished: the harp in its then modern form as the arpa doppia, a double harp with two rows of strings to extend the range of notes. Probably the most famous instrument of this type is the extraordinarily elaborately decorated, completely gilded family harp of the Barberini dynasty. Pope Urban VIII, one of the greatest patrons of art and music of the 17th century, came from this important Roman patrician family. Outstanding harp virtuosos worked in Rome and soon gained European fame. One of them, Orazio Michi, owned three harps, which he bequeathed to his pupils. In this project, three harps, played by renowned Italian musicians, accompany the tenor Riccardo Pisani from Rome, an outstanding specialist in 17th century music. This extravagant combination guarantees exquisite listening pleasure with rarely heard Roman compositions from a fascinating era.
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