• Tue, 25. March 2025
  • 19:00
  • Innsbruck, WEI SRAUM - Andreas-Hofer Straße 27

Opening: Floating Curtains

Fifty years ago, Viktor Papanek, the polemical critic of the design discipline, demanded that designers in the global North should devote at least ten percent of their work to the real problems of all people. The history of EOOS is an example of how this can be achieved successfully.

At first glance, the studio's two main areas of work - internationally successful author furniture design and social design with a focus on social impact - appear to be contradictory. But on closer inspection, a common attitude, an equal demand for quality and a field of tension emerge, which is traced by studio co-founder Harald Gründl using numerous examples.
Information and details at https://www.weissraum.at/veranstaltungen/eoos-designing-impact

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