• Sat, 4. May 2024
  • 20:00
  • Innsbruck, Westbahntheater

Reveries of a lonely walker

What happens when an actress from Innsbruck emigrates to Germany? Quite a lot. So much, in fact, that it becomes a "cabaret melange" "Von Wikingern und Alm-Ähis".
And what happens when she returns to her old home in Tyrol 30 years later? Then she rewrites the text for her compatriots and presents: "You can't do that!" A supposed declaration of love to the neighboring country.
On stage, Sylvie Nogler deals with Germany, Austria and all the rest. A little bit about herself too. You get an insight into the joys and sorrows of her former adopted home of Germany, about the behavior of hobbies and DrÃlives. Also about the equalities and inequalities of Germans and Aesis. And finally, she states "come and hear for yourself... she would be delighted.
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