• Sun, 7. July 2024
  • 19:00 - 21:00
  • Innsbruck, Tiroler Landestheater, Großes Haus

Café Schindler

An extraordinary story that spans two centuries, two world wars and a family business

The legendary Café Schindler was founded in 1922 and quickly became the vibrant social center of Innsbruck - until the Nazis came. It is the story of dispossession and expulsion, of the Holocaust in Tyrol and also a personal search for traces.

This deeply moving adaptation of a family story for the stage - precisely researched and poetically narrated by Meriel Schindler - takes the audience on an emotional journey of discovery and brings the history of the Jews of the Habsburg Monarchy to life. How present is the Jewish heritage in Tyrol and how visible is it in Innsbruck today? In cooperation with institutions in the city, an intensive research process will accompany the Dramatization of the novel. Documentary material, original sounds from numerous contemporary witnesses and musical references flank the theatrical realization.

Places where the Schindler family lived and worked (by Niko Hofinger)


12.10.23 Reading at the Ferdinandeum

8.3.24 Storytelling café in Cafe Schindler

16./30.4.24 Jewish families in Innsbruck - Günther Lieder invites you to the synagogue

25.6.24 Café Schindler in the Landhaus: Scene excerpts and conversation with Meriel Schindler

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