• Thu, 17. April 2025
  • 15:00
  • Innsbruck, City Archive/City Museum Innsbruck


Location_38 Thu, 17.04.2025 Lea Graf - Flute TELEMANN, DE BOISMORTIER, WEIGL 40 locations Ash Wednesday, 05 March to Holy Saturday, 19 April daily except Sundays - 3 pm voluntary donations During Lent - Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday - a different place between Wattens, Hall and Innsbruck will be visited every day (except Sundays) to experience islands of contemplation for 30 minutes. The short activities at 3 p.m. will be centred around music and text dedicated to the theme of ‘sein_schein’. The art is intended to revive utopia and harmony in the harsh spaces of our society. Current information: osterfestival.at/locations
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  • Past dates