• Tue, 24. September 2024
  • 09:00
  • Innsbruck, Landhaus 1

A Tyrolean NS building and its history

The exhibition focuses on the Nazi past of the Landhaus area in three former rooms of the Gauleitung - the meeting room, the antechamber and the Gauleiter's office. Using documents and photos from various archives, it shows the planning, construction and use of the building and sheds light on its significance up to the present day. The narration of stories of individual persons from the working world of the Landhaus offers insights into everyday administrative life and the crime complex of National Socialism. The social handling of these crimes and the historical site are also thematised. The exhibition is complemented by guided tours and educational offers for young people and adults. A programme of events with lectures and discussion rounds is dedicated to further topics of the National Socialist era in Tyrol.

The content of the exhibition will be presented by Hilde Strobl and Christian Mathies, the authors of the recently published book "Vom Gauhaus zum Landhaus. A Tyrolean National Socialist Building and its History". The exhibition is open to the public free of charge. All information and the programme of events can be found at www.tirol.gv.at/erinnern .

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