• Wed, 15. May 2024
  • 18:30
  • Medical University of Innsbruck Audimax

"Cheers, meal" - when swallowing no longer works

"Wissen|schaf(f)t Gesundheit" is a series of lectures organized by the Medical University of Innsbruck. Doctors and researchers present the current state of research to an interested public in appealing lectures in an understandable way.
Did you know that we all swallow once a minute? When swallowing no longer works - for example after a stroke or after surgery for a head and neck tumor - we first become aware of how important this process is for our health and quality of life.

In her lecture, Simone Graf, Director of the University Clinic for Hearing, Voice and Speech Disorders, explains exactly what happens during swallowing, what the consequences of a swallowing disorder are and when surgical or speech therapy is advisable. The expert will also provide insights into new research projects currently underway in Innsbruck on the diagnosis of swallowing disorders.
Free admission, no registration required, admission from 18:00 in the main lecture hall (Audimax), also available via livestream.
More information and livestream at: https://wissenschafftgesundheit.i-med.ac.at

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