• Mon, 15. April 2024
  • 19:00 - 22:00
  • Innsbruck - Kulturbogen 55 - Viaduktbogen 55

Panel discussion: Rod Mac Donald & Mark Dann

Singer & songwriter Rod MacDonald is an accomplished storyteller and a committed, but not blindly rabid, contemporary and social critic.
The 75-year-old, likeable entertainer is one of those folk musicians who can't be brought down. This has not only earned him, who was one of the outstanding representatives of the New York folk renaissance in the 1980s (from which musicians such as Tracy Chapman and Suzanne Vega also emerged), the respect of his fellow American musicians, but has also made him a permanent fixture in his genre, especially in Europe.
On his European tour in spring 2024, he will once again be accompanied by his long-time bassist and guitarist Mark Dann, a gifted musician full of virtuosity and intensity.

Info and tickets www.kki.at and at Kulturbogen 55

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