Public guided tour

  • Thu, 22. May 2025
  • 15:15 - 09:15
  • Other

Why do the artists spit over their shoulders before the premiere? Who builds our beautiful stage sets and where do the elegant robes in the opera come from? A guided tour of the Tiroler Landestheater promises very special insights behind the scenes. Our section directors will guide you through the auditorium, the stage in the main building, to the rehearsal stages and finally to the workshops. And with a bit of luck, you might even get to see our huge Weiler painting on the Iron Curtain. Come on in!

DURATION approx. 90 minutes
COST € 6

We offer additional guided tours for school classes and groups of 15 people or more. For details, please contact Johanna Wildling at or +43 512 52074 126.

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