• Mon, 23. December 2024
  • 17:30 - 19:30
  • Igls, village centre

"Igler Bergweihnacht" - Christmas in the mountains in Igls

A Christmas tree, a nativity scene, festive Christmas songs and 200 angels, shepherds and animals: the "Christmas in the mountains" celebration takes place in the centre of Igls every year on 23 December from 5.30 pm. The celebration is a very special Christmas experience. First, everyone gathers in front of the Christmas tree and nativity scene to sing Christmas songs followed by a parade that starts at 6 pm.

200 angels, shepherds and animals accompany a sleigh carrying Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child from the old town hall, through the village centre and into the garden behind the Tourist Information. Atmospheric performances, a live nativity scene and Christmas music are, of course, included. The St Aegidius Choir sings Christmas songs and the Igls-Vill brass band perform Christmas music. The evening is wrapped up with a joint chorus of "Silent Night".

5.30 pm: Christmas songs
6 pm: Parade through the village centre

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