- Fri, 7. February 2025 and further dates
- 20:00
- Innsbruck, Theater praesent
"Gut gemeint - Meinungsforschung im Gebirge" theatre
Yay: At last, Juliana Haider and Michaela Posch are conducting ‘opinion research in the mountains’ again. Loosely based on Otto Grünmandl and Theo Peer, they recharge their ‘Alpine Interviews’ with new energy and set off on a grotesque summit assault, in which traditions are sceptically scrutinised and the legendary text templates are respectfully and humorously spoilt and made to look like lost(e)derlight. So let's head for the mountains, where black humour shimmers so colourfully that it's a bright joy. If the opinion doesn't fit, it is made to fit.
- Upcoming dates
- Past dates
- Fri, 7. February 2025 at 20:00
Sat, 8. February 2025 at 20:00 - There are no past dates.