• Thu, 17. October 2024
  • 19:00
  • Theater praesent

Request for the greatest possible removal of violence - by Felicia Zeller

"HOME is where the heart is. [...]
HOME is also the most dangerous place in the world for women, trans people, non-binary people, (gender) queer people and children. Nowhere is the danger of experiencing violence as great as in HOME." (Laura Leupi)
Every drith woman* between the ages of 18 and 74 in Austria has experienced physical and/or sexual violence from the age of 15 (34.51%). Almost one in six women* has been affected by physical violence in adulthood (15.25%).dro This is shown by a survey on violence against women* conducted by Statistics Austria between 2020 and 2021 on behalf of Eurostat and the Federal Chancellery.
In her play "Antrag auf größtmögliche Entfernung von Gewalt", Felicia Zeller, based on real interviews, interweaves the biographies of women* who have found their way to a women's shelter with the helping voices of shelter workers or doctors, the hurtful voices of perpetrators and the careless voices of those who look past the problem in a highly artificial way.
The result is a powerful score that interweaves fragments of life and poetically rubs between the search for happiness in life and real constraints. Despair turns into absurd comedy as quickly as family peace turns into senseless violence in some partnerships.
DIRECTOR Michaela Senn
ACTORS Elke Hartmann, Christina Polzer, Wiltrud Stieger
DESIGN Sara Burchia
TECHNOLOGY Barbara Alt, Marco Friedrich Trenkwalder
DO 17.10.2024, 7 pm, 8.30 pm Expert talk
FR 18.10.2024, 7 pm, 8.30 pm Cinema praesent Una Primavera
DO 24.10.2024, 8 pm
FR 25.10.2024, 8 pm