• Tue, 11. June 2024
  • 20:00
  • Innsbruck, Gasthaus Sandwirt am Inn

Final concerts of the 1st Alpine Folk Music Academy

On two evenings in June, 11 and 18 June 2024 at 20:00, the graduates of the 1st Alpine Folk Music Academy invite you to a special folk music evening. Aussischmeißer - It should be a celebration. A summer and graduation party. A celebration of Alpine folk music. 12 graduates of the 1st Alpine Folk Music Academy from North and South Tyrol, Salzburg and Upper Austria join forces with music-making friends and acquaintances to organise two varied evenings at Gasthaus Sandwirt in Innsbruck. Wide-ranging programmes and high musical standards promise folk music enjoyment of a special kind: traditional pieces will find their place alongside new compositions created as part of the training. Well-established and well-known groups as well as newly formed ensembles take to the stage. Conceived, organised, moderated and designed by academy graduates and rounded off with catering by Gasthaus Sandwirt, two glittering festive evenings can truly be expected.
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